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Can you help?

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Please Help Today. I return to Nairobi early February, and will run a food program for malnourished babies and young children, school aged children single mothers, and families struggling to feed their children.

Kenya is one of countries in East Africa currently experiencing one of the most devastating food crises in decades. Severe drought, means an estimated 2 million people could be facing starvation. Loving Compassion Africa is trying to raise money for a food program we are hoping to run next month in 2 separate locations. One will be in a Dagoretti slum in Nairobi, the other in a Nairobi suburb experiencing abject poverty and starvation. We will focus on babies and young children, school age children, single mothers, handicapped individuals and families struggling to feed their children.

A feeding program will not solve the drought issue, but for a family forced to watch as their children, and livestock starve, it will make a huge difference. Please help if you can.

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“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”.

Mother Teresa

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