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Update - LCA (Loving Compassion Africa) Kenya Charity.

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Jan 24, 2023 -

We are an official Registered Charity with the Canadian Government. It has been just shy of one year of paperwork, editing paperwork, accounting, fundraising, humanitarian work and more paperwork, but hear last week that we were approved. So now starts even more paperwork.

I am returning to Nairobi early next month, and am very excited to check in with all of our contacts, check on the progress at Tresgad Caring Hands Initiative and Orphanage, at St. Theresa High school, and on the smaller individual projects we have started. I will also be helping in 3 different food programs.

The food shortages and drought problems have not improved in Kenya. The drought in East Africa is causing widespread starvation. Kenya's Kajiado area is one of the worst hit areas. Normally a vast grassland, this area supports most of the cattle herds (meat consumed in Kenya), along with wild herds of elephants etc. These herds are starving along with the people dependent on the meat, produce and income.

LCA is trying to raise money for 3 food programs we are hoping to run next month. One will be in a Dagoretti slum in Nairobi, one will be in a Nairobi suburb experiencing abject poverty and starvation, and the last one in the Kajiado area.

A feeding program will not solve the drought issue, but for a family forced to watch as their children and livestock starve, it will make a huge difference. Please help if you can.

Gathering wood
gathering wood

finding water
finding water


Sept 6, 2022 -

The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa — for he has so much to look forward to” — Richard Mullin.

Africa has a way of creeping into your heart. The history, culture, landscape, wild open spaces and wildlife are breathtaking but it is the people that draw you back. Drought, extreme poverty, disease, hunger, and the effects of Covid-19 on the economy has left more than a third of the Kenyan population undernourished. Women and children suffer the greatest risk of starvation.

In 2010 we (founding directors of LCA, Jan Ellison and Richard Hsu), along with our two young children Brandon and Zach, went on a 6-week mission trip to Zambia. Since then, I have been on numerous mission, have volunteered/fundraised for local Canadian charities that help in Africa and have been on the board of directors for 2.

Richard slowing down at the hospital, our kids being away at university and having met numerous community leaders in the Nairobi area were all catalysts for our creating LCAS (Loving Compassion Africa Society). After 11 years of actively helping established charities, we decided to go out on our own. I would love to say it was easy and fast, but the reality for setting up a registered charity here in BC Canada was anything but. We do hope to get approval soon, and have continued our work anyways.

LCAS's initial focus is on transforming the lives of children, the elderly, single mothers, single parent families, handicapped individuals, and others that are living in extreme poverty. With the help of my awesome contacts we have tried to make the greatest difference by working with not only individuals and families, but also a high school in the Dagoretti slums in Nairobi, and with another Kenyan Charity. This charity has a huge outreach program and that is busy setting up an orphanage for the large number of abandoned street children.

Jan Ellison

LCAS President Jan Ellison
LCAS President Jan Ellison

I do stand out like a huge BLOND sore thumb. I'm 5'10" and so attract the attention of all passers by. It is the children who often approach me. I must say I do love visiting with the children.

LCAS in Nairobi
LCAS in Nairobi

I May Not Be Able To Help Thousands or Millions, But I Can Help Some.

I will add charity progress reports. This could mean reporting on LCA huge successes but will also probably mean reporting on frustrations and sorrows. So follow this huge BLOND sore thumb as I try to navigate the world of setting up a registered Canadian charity and hopefully later all of the work we do.


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Loving Compassion Africa

“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”.

Mother Teresa

Transform Lives with Food Shelter and Education 
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