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St. Theresa no longer has to spend huge amounts on printed material -2022

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Loving Compassion Africa helps the students and teachers of St. Theresa High school with the purchase of a new Kyocera photocopier and new text books.

Governments do not supply or help elementary and high schools in Kenya to purchase required text books, classroom supplies or learning materials. Many schools have only one outdated copy of each text for each grade and subject. These texts must be shared amongst multiple classes. Material covered then must be written on the chalk board for students to copy into their personal notebooks.

New Photocopier
New Photocopier

Kyocera photocopier

School is not Free in Africa.

Families in the slums of Nairobi often have a hard time providing shelter for and feeding their families. Therefore, school often is out of reach for many children. St. Theresa's accepts the children from the slums, even when they cannot pay full or even partial fees. Without these collected fees they have a hard time providing a good education and a solid daily meal for each child.

Loving Compassion Africa purchased a set of text books and a new photocopier. This will enable the teachers of St. Theresa's to copy important materials to provide to the children, create and copy tests and exams and avoid the fees that they would otherwise be charged by a third party.

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Loving Compassion Africa

“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”.

Mother Teresa

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