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Help people with disabilities, Loving Compassion Africa.

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

At LCA we work with community leaders to identify and help individuals with disabilities.

Having a disability in a developing country can restrict your freedom, your chance at an education, your ability to support yourself and your family, your safety, and your chance to break free from extreme poverty.

Providing Wheelchairs
Providing Wheelchairs

Help us provide needed wheelchairs, medicines, and services to those most vulnerable. Please make a one time or monthly donation to help provide freedom and self sustainability to a person in need. You can change a life. Go to:

Our February 2023 visit

LCA had the opportunity to visit our agents and beneficiaries in Nairobi and surrounding villages. While there we were overwhelmed by the need, especially those with disabilities or families with severely disabled children. When a single mother has a severely disabled child, she is unable to leave home and therefore unable to work. Without constant income not only is she then unable to educate or even feed her children, she is unable to buy needed medicines for her child.

Meet Paul. He works very hard every day to find work to support his three children. Paul reads and writes English and so has become a spokes person for the 17 other disabled adults in his community. Paul lives in a large slum in Nairobi without paved roads, clean drinking water, sidewalks or schools that can accommodate disabled children. He struggles every day but tries to improve the lives of those around him who are less fortunate.

Meet some single mothers with severely disabled children. These women have tried to create a small business that they can run from their homes. They buy small amounts of produce and/or dry goods daily and try to sell at a slight mark up. This meagre amount of income does not cover medical costs, school fees for their other children, and often they go hungry.

You can make a difference in someone's life.

Mother Theresa said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” If we consider the needs of the world, we will be overwhelmed. A tiny drop in the ocean seems to be almost pointless....... but consider the person or family you help. That tiny drop can be the difference between life and death, deprivation and plenty, opportunity and confinement.

Please tell a friend, spread the word and donate today. Go to: Donate | Loving Compassion Af (

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