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LCAS programs

Loving Compassion Africa Society (LCAS) works with local community leaders to identify their most vulnerable.  We rely on generous donations from people like you.


Our wor

  • Education - LCAS supports St. Theresa High School, in Dagoretti, a Nairobi slum.  Children in slums have almost no chance of receiving an education past grades 4-6 in Kenya due to school fees and mandatory uniforms.  LCAS and St. Theresa believe that we can lift an entire community by providing a good education to those who cannot afford to pay for school.  A good education is one of the only ways to break the generational cycle of poverty.   We sponsor individual children's fees and provide needed school materials and uniforms. We directly support schools by providing class materials, text books, science lab equipment and chemicals.  We provide books to start libraries. We also run lunch programs in schools as it is very hard to focus and learn when malnourished.  By providing the girls with sanitary pads, they are able to attend school. We are hoping to expand our reach into Nadep Elementary School in Kawangware slum. 

  • Community Support, both in Nairobi slums & Ruiru rural suburb - LCAS administers aid on a community/family/individual basis. We provide emergency and on-going monthly medicines, food & shelter, support homeless single mothers & breast feeding mothers, support seniors, individuals with disabilities and those who are HIV+. We run feeding programs and recently LCAS expanded our aid into a rural Congolese Refugee Camp in Kenya. 

  • TRESGAD Caring Hands Orphanage and Community Center, in a poverty stricken rural area in suburbs of Nairobi -  LCAS helped build, furnish and provide a security perimeter wall and gate for TRESGAD.  LCAS and TRESGAD provide school fees, materials, and uniforms for orphans, as well as a home while not in school.  Many community programs are run out of the center, as well as bi-monthly feeding for the general public.  We hired 2 social workers who provide training and support to breast feeding mothers, mothers with handicapped individuals, grandmothers living in abject poverty, and others suffering and in need of immediate and ongoing support.   We have also provided a means of transportation  for our social workers and Sister Lucy to do home visits and follow-ups.


Mother Theresa said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  At Loving Compassion Africa we believe that every dollar donated can have a large impact on one child, individual or family. That small donation can be the difference between life and death, deprivation and plenty, opportunity and tragedy.  

April 2 Feeding

Malnutrition stunts growth, brain development, decreases our immune system, and hampers a child's ability to learn, focus and even attend school.  Help feed a child, family, community today. For a small donation, you can help provide the most vulnerable with monthly food staples and provide emergency meals. 

Education breaks the cycle of generational poverty, but you need to have food and shelter in order to get an education.  For a small donation of only $30 a month you can transform one child's life and provide his/her family with hope for the future.  Please sponsor a child today.  
“For all children – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, read, live in peace and be happy.” – Malala Yousafzai

Sponsor a child's education
Sponsor a school or classroom

Education breaks the cycle of poverty, but it must also be a quality education.  School is not free in Kenya. In the slums it can be impossible for parents to pay school fees and therefore schools must either deny children an education or operate with insufficient funds.  Schools then lack science/lab equipment, text books, mandatory class novels, learning materials, classroom supplies, sports, the arts and even the ability to retain trained teachers.  This creates inequality in education, and subsequently the ability for a students to compete for university, college or trade positions.  At LCA we have partnered with one school to help level the playing field for their entire student body.  Please help us.  With a small donation of $100 - $200 you could provide an entire set of novels/text books to a class, help build a library, buy needed class apparatus and supplies, and transform the lives of over 500 families.

Transform one life today through mentoring programs, life skills training and support which allows people to reach their full potential.  For a small donation you could help individuals start small businesses and help them support themselves and their families. You could help an individual or group of 17 adults with disabilities, supply wheelchairs or helps provide sanitary pads to school girls.  Without pads girls/women often miss school and are unable to work. Please help today.  Your small donation can transform someone's life.

Single mothers
Children in Refugee Camps

Your small donation can transform a life today,  every dollar makes a huge difference to those in need.  We have helped about 20 children go to school, a few families with ongoing food and medicine and have run a couple feeding programs.  We have also identified many additional children, families, handicapped persons, widows and elderly grandmothers that are in desperate need of help. Your generous gift can mean the difference between a meal and starvation and provide the means to escape the cycle of extreme poverty.   Please help today.

Loving Compassion Africa


“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action”.

Mother Teresa

Transform Lives with Food Shelter and Education 
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